formally 'International Computer Engineering'

Original Team

The five original directors of ICE were all Co-Founders - CEO James Gordon Graham, Dr Ian Derbyshire MD, Tech Directors Harry Linford, Director Steve Drake and Commercial Director Fiona Morris. The company quickly grew to twenty people and included software developers Tony Kelly, James Rollingson and Project Manager John Murphy. At its height he company had 76 people after it went public.

BsoftB IPO

In May 2000 International Computer Engineering changed its name to BsoftB as part of the listing process on Londons AIM stockmarket.

CEO James Gordon Graham is shown being interviewed on CNBC & Bloomberg as part of the PR campaign prior to meeting the investors on the final roadshow.

IPO on the London AIM Stockmarket

The original company ICE started with Consultancy and Software Development Services and quickly developed two worldclass software products.

James Gordon Graham sells BsoftB in 2001

After seven years as Founder & CEO of BsoftB James Gordon Graham resigns and sells his shares to Bob Morton chairman of BsoftB plc. The company three years later were subject to a management buyout and now operate under the name Cloudis Ltd based in Manchester UK.                

Entrepreneur of the year awards


Products and Services included:

In 1993/4, Founder & CEO James Gordon Graham, created the original concept for International Computer Engineering’ (ICE). Along with 4 other co-founders; Harry Linford, Dr Ian Derbyshire, Fiona Morris, & Steve Drake, the company started by selling consultancy services and third party software and at the same time developed two world class software products released in 1996.


"Who created the first commercial Artificial Intelligence software for the internet in 1994?"

Designed in 1994, International Computer Engineering's 'V9 Creator' software was the original internet based A.I. software. Even though the internet was slow the company managed to get this high end engineering software APP running at stunning speeds.

In June 2000, the ICE name was changed to ‘BsoftB plc’ and James Gordon Graham became the first CEO of an Artificial Intelligence company to list (IPO) on the London Stockmarkets.


"ICE/BsoftB, had two key products.

Firstly through Lead Electrical Software Engineer Tony Kelly, a world class Cable Management System, and secondly through Dr Ian Derbyshires technical lead, an A.I. based high end Engineering App with a live Oracle database.

It meant the company could interact instantly with millions of database records getting immediate updates across any distance. It's something we are quite used to now, however we would do it over the internet in 1994 using a Nokia 232 with internet speeds between 9.6 - 56 Kilo bits/sec (today the internet is 5G (60GHz).

We were a small British based company that used a mobile device linked to a computer, and developed a Browser interface to have realtime A.I. updates of data.

Any changes you would make on your mobile would update your laptop when you were out and about. Don't forget it sometimes took between 10 - 30 mins to download just a video song in those days! Now we are used to doing this instantly, however, in 94, this was positively revolutionary.

We effectively helped to created a modern lifestyle.

High end engineering software was the service we offered, and we modified the internet to make this happen. This is the grandaddy as it were of all the A.I. cloud based software that you see coming after it.  

We ended up inventing this genre by being the first to redesign the webs core infrastructure, the first to use mobiles effectively and the first to invent an Artificial Intelligence engine built into a database with user definable Rules, Attributes and Links.

It was the original DISTRUPTER! and paved the way for many companies to come after us.


Unleash your potential

I'm not a software coder, more of a visionary thought leader. My new movie will give you the knowledge from many years of travelling the world and experiencing the real answer.